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The Rhythm Reset Course & Box


What's Included: The Rhythm Reset is a digital program featuring a product suite shipped directly to you.


You'll receive:

• Daily videos and downloable instruction material you can access right from your phone!


• The Rhythm Reset Diet Guide & Cookbook full of recipes, food prep tips, and daily schedules and routines to get your body back in rhythm.


• Daily PDF companion guides with detailed explanations on the “why” of each step and the scientific findings the program is based on.


• A starter pack of Rhythm Reset supplements featuring Gut Sealer, SuperOmega, PollyAnna Pro, RemNu sleep aid, and MindFlo Salve.


• Eight (8) curated herbal tea blends to help you reach specific daily health goals.


• The Rhythm Reset Evening Elixir Tea to promote restorative sleep.


• The Rhythm Reset tea steeper, shown to extract more therapeutic benefits than standard options.

The Digital Course Access is delivered upon payment and shipping of the box will be initiated, therefore we cannot accept returns or return any funds from sales. All sales are final.

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