LIV the Experience of Longevity Infused with Vitality (1)-1

Welcome to our longevity-focused wellness program, where we are dedicated to helping you thrive at every stage of life.


Whether you're chasing after grandkids or conquering the boardroom, our comprehensive plan is designed to support your goals for vitality and longevity.


With tailored strategies and expert guidance, we will empower you to live your best life, full of energy, resilience, and lasting well-being.


Join us on the journey to a vibrant, fulfilling future!

5 Pillars of Longevity

pillars for LIV
Enhancing physical health is key to longevity, bolstering well-being through regular exercise, a balanced diet, and healthy weight maintenance. This foundation promotes a longer, healthier life.


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Mindfulness meditation and mental exercises can preserve cognitive function and lower the risk of cognitive decline, promoting healthier decisions and enhancing physical health and longevity.

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Enhancing emotional resilience boosts longevity by mitigating stress's impacts and fostering inner strength, leading to a healthier response to challenges.

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Managing chronic disease risks can reduce illness susceptibility, boost well-being, extend life, and improve life quality by keeping individuals active and reducing illness burdens as they age.

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Optimizing functionality through activities that boost mobility, strength, and flexibility is key to maintaining daily independence and reducing disability risks for longer life.

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With a unique, comprehensive plan...

The Dearing Clinic stands out with its integrated, personalized wellness plans. Our team of experts from various fields designs treatments tailored specifically to you, combining advanced medical services, specialized exercise, and chiropractic care. Here is a glimpse of what we offer:

  • Comprehensive consultation with our medical provider for X-rays and a thorough Report of Findings.
  • Optimize your health with Metabolomics, GI, and Genomics Spotlight Testing.
  • Experience Dr. Dearing's Rhythm Reset for enhanced well-being.
  • Realign your body with targeted Chiropractic Adjustments.
  • Assess your brain's potential with a QEEG Neuro-Cognitive Assessment.
  • Replenish and rejuvenate with Therapeutic IV Nutrient Infusions.
  • Energize your metabolism with weekly intramuscular injections.
  • Boost gut health and wellness with top of the line supplements.
  • Receive personalized dietary guidance and meal plan suggestions from our Exercise Physiologist.
  • Gain insights into your body with a Complementary Fit3D assessment, including postural analysis and chronic disease risk assessment.
  • Get moving with personalized exercise plans tailored to your body.

Experience the difference with The Dearing Clinic

where your well-being is our top priority!